Yes, auditing will be based on your organizations needs. We offer comprehensive review of clinician notes with detail to technical completion and eligibility documentation. We also offer admission, discharge, and recertification audits. Auditing includes communication back to the clinicians of any findings.
Yes. As requested, we will attend your IDT in person or virtually depending on need. We can facilitate the IDT or be present and available for consultation as needed.
ADR stands for Additional document request. It is a request made on behalf of Medicare for medical records to support a hospice claim. ADRs can be pre or post payment. Medicare contracts with multiple companies to obtain, review, and make a determination on the records received.
The primary goal of an ADR is prevention of fraud, waste, and abuse. In sum, Medicare wants to assure patient’s receiving services are appropriate based on medical standards and the appropriate level of care was provided based on the individual patient’s need.
Immediately, responses to ADRs typically must be made quickly. Consultation is free so it would be best for your organization to contact us immediately and determine if we can be of any assistance.
Price plans are custom to your agency and needs. Contact Devoted for an evaluation of your needs.
We work with your leadership or appointed person closely via remote, virtual and on site
depending on the need.